This utility gets all the files
committed by a particulare user in CVS after a specified date and
copies these files into a desired location with original data
structure path.
The original data structure path always
starts with c:\work\PW_Portal.
from cvsgui.Macro import * from cvsgui.CvsEntry import * from cvsgui.ColorConsole import * import cvsgui.App import os.path, os, shutil import zipfile, string import re from cvsgui.Persistent import * from cvsgui.MenuMgr import * from cvsgui.SafeTk import * class MyConfig(Macro): def __init__(self): Macro.__init__(self, "My Utility", MACRO_SELECTION, 0, "My Menu") self.m_path = Persistent("PY_PATH", "select the destination folder", 1) self.m_date = Persistent("PY_DATE", "dd-mmm-yyyy", 1) self.m_name = Persistent("PY_NAME","name",1) def OnCmdUI(self, cmdui): cmdui.Enable(1) def Run(self): msg = "Please enter the path for delivery :" msg1 = "Please enter the Date from when you want modified files :" msg2 = "Please enter the user name whose commited files have to be created in directory structure" title = "Path" outputpath = str(self.m_path) datestr = str(self.m_date) namestr = str(self.m_name) res, outputpath = cvsgui.App.PromptEditMessage(msg, outputpath, title) if res and len(outputpath) > 0: self.m_path << outputpath res,datestr = cvsgui.App.PromptEditMessage(msg1, datestr, title) if res and len(datestr) > 0: self.m_date << datestr res,namestr = cvsgui.App.PromptEditMessage(msg2, namestr, title) if res and len(namestr) > 0: self.m_name << namestr cvs = Cvs(1) console = ColorConsole() console << kMagenta << datestr << "\n" << kNormal console << kMagenta << "Username:" << namestr << "\n" << kNormal okCancel = _cvsgui.PromptMessage("Shall I Continue", "Message", "OK", "Cancel") if okCancel == 0: return code, out, err = cvs.Run("history", "-xACM", "-D%s" % datestr, "-u%s" % namestr) lines= string.split(out, '\n') console << kMagenta << "Copying files : " <<"\n" for line in lines: #console << kMagenta << line << "\n" << kNormal mobj = re.match( "^[MCA] \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d \+0000 [a-z_]+ +[\d.]+ +(.*) +(PW_Portal.*) +==", line) if mobj: file_name = dir_name = #console << kBlue << dir_name << "/" << file_name << "\n" << kNormal srcname = os.path.join("c:/work/", dir_name + '/'+ file_name) targetname = os.path.join(outputpath, "delivery"+ '/'+ dir_name) if not os.path.exists(targetname): os.makedirs(targetname) shutil.copy(srcname, targetname) console << kGreen << srcname << " to " << targetname <<"\n" << kNormal MyConfig()