#/* #Python and Tkinter Programming #John E. Grayson #ISBN: 1884777813 #Publisher: Manning #*/ from Tkinter import * SQUARE = 1 ROUND = 2 ARROW = 3 POINT_DOWN = 0 POINT_UP = 1 POINT_RIGHT = 2 POINT_LEFT = 3 STATUS_OFF = 1 STATUS_ON = 2 STATUS_WARN = 3 STATUS_ALARM = 4 STATUS_SET = 5 class DummyClass: pass Color = DummyClass() Color.PANEL = '#545454' Color.OFF = '#656565' Color.ON = '#00FF33' Color.WARN = '#ffcc00' Color.ALARM = '#ff4422' class LED: def __init__(self, master=None, width=25, height=25, appearance=FLAT, status=STATUS_ON, bd=1, bg=None, shape=SQUARE, outline="", blink=0, blinkrate=1, orient=POINT_UP, takefocus=0): # preserve attributes self.master = master self.shape = shape self.onColor = Color.ON self.offColor = Color.OFF self.alarmColor = Color.ALARM self.warningColor = Color.WARN self.specialColor = '#00ffdd' self.status = status self.blink = blink self.blinkrate = int(blinkrate) self.on = 0 self.onState = None if not bg: bg = Color.PANEL ## Base frame to contain light self.frame=Frame(master, relief=appearance, bg=bg, bd=bd, takefocus=takefocus) basesize = width d = center = int(basesize/2) if self.shape == SQUARE: self.canvas=Canvas(self.frame, height=height, width=width, bg=bg, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) self.light=self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, width, height, fill=Color.ON) elif self.shape == ROUND: r = int((basesize-2)/2) self.canvas=Canvas(self.frame, width=width, height=width, highlightthickness=0, bg=bg, bd=0) if bd > 0: self.border=self.canvas.create_oval(center-r, center-r, center+r, center+r) r = r - bd self.light=self.canvas.create_oval(center-r-1, center-r-1, center+r, center+r, fill=Color.ON, outline=outline) else: # Default is an ARROW self.canvas=Canvas(self.frame, width=width, height=width, highlightthickness=0, bg=bg, bd=0) x = d y = d if orient == POINT_DOWN: self.light=self.canvas.create_polygon(x-d,y-d, x,y+d, x+d,y-d, x-d,y-d, outline=outline) elif orient == POINT_UP: self.light=self.canvas.create_polygon(x,y-d, x-d,y+d, x+d,y+d, x,y-d, outline=outline) elif orient == POINT_RIGHT: self.light=self.canvas.create_polygon(x-d,y-d, x+d,y, x-d,y+d, x-d,y-d, outline=outline) elif orient == POINT_LEFT: self.light=self.canvas.create_polygon(x-d,y, x+d,y+d, x+d,y-d, x-d,y, outline=outline) self.canvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=NO) self.update() def turnon(self): self.status = STATUS_ON if not self.blink: self.update() def turnoff(self): self.status = STATUS_OFF if not self.blink: self.update() def alarm(self): self.status = STATUS_ALARM if not self.blink: self.update() def warn(self): self.status = STATUS_WARN if not self.blink: self.update() def set(self, color): self.status = STATUS_SET self.specialColor = color self.update() def blinkon(self): if not self.blink: self.blink = 1 self.onState = self.status self.update() def blinkoff(self): if self.blink: self.blink = 0 self.status = self.onState self.onState = None self.on = 0 self.update() def blinkstate(self, blinkstate): if blinkstate: self.blinkon() else: self.blinkoff() def update(self): # First do the blink, if set to blink if self.blink: if self.on: if not self.onState: self.onState = self.status self.status = STATUS_OFF self.on = 0 else: if self.onState: self.status = self.onState # Current ON color self.on = 1 if self.status == STATUS_ON: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.light, fill=self.onColor) elif self.status == STATUS_OFF: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.light, fill=self.offColor) elif self.status == STATUS_WARN: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.light, fill=self.warningColor) elif self.status == STATUS_SET: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.light, fill=self.specialColor) else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.light, fill=self.alarmColor) self.canvas.update_idletasks() if self.blink: self.frame.after(self.blinkrate * 1000, self.update) if __name__ == '__main__': class TestLEDs(Frame): def __init__(self, parent=None): # List of Colors and Blink On/Off states = [(STATUS_OFF, 0), (STATUS_ON, 0), (STATUS_WARN, 0), (STATUS_ALARM, 0), (STATUS_SET, 0), (STATUS_ON, 1), (STATUS_WARN, 1), (STATUS_ALARM, 1), (STATUS_SET, 1)] # List of LED types to display, # with sizes and other attributes leds = [(ROUND, 25, 25, FLAT, 0, None, ""), (ROUND, 15, 15, RAISED, 1, None, ""), (SQUARE, 20, 20, SUNKEN, 1, None, ""), (SQUARE, 8, 8, FLAT, 0, None, ""), (SQUARE, 8, 8, RAISED, 1, None, ""), (SQUARE, 16, 8, FLAT, 1, None, ""), (ARROW, 14, 14, RIDGE, 1, POINT_UP, ""), (ARROW, 14, 14, RIDGE, 0, POINT_RIGHT, ""), (ARROW, 14, 14, FLAT, 0, POINT_DOWN, "white")] Frame.__init__(self) # Do superclass init self.pack() self.master.title('LED Example - Stage 1') # Iterate for each type of led for shape, w, h, app, bd, orient, outline in leds: frame = Frame(self, bg=Color.PANEL) frame.pack(anchor=N, expand=YES, fill=X) # Iterate for selected states for state, blink in states: LED(frame, shape=shape, status=state, width=w, height=h, appearance=app, orient=orient, blink=blink, bd=bd, outline=outline).frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, padx=1, pady=1) TestLEDs().mainloop()
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
LED Control Using Python Program
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